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Writer's picturejessicaprukner


This tree stood out all alone on the beautiful beach this morning. The sun was shinning down so brightly on it reflecting its wonderful strength and beauty. I appreciated this tree and somewhat felt like I could relate to it.

While reading my devotional this morning this verse stood out and reminded me of the tree:

“But there is something I’m looking for: a person simple and plain, reverently responsive to what I say.” ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭66:1-2‬ ‭MSG‬‬

The tree is just that: simple, plain, standing there doing the job it was created to do by God....and it was also alone.

Sometimes when we are alone, standing for Him, simple and plain - that is when He speaks to us most. He shows the little areas in our lives, speaks to us and directs us. Sometimes ALONE, simple and plain is when we are closest to Him, our Creator, and we can hear His still small voice speak so we can be responsive to Him.

The Bible tells us in 1 Peter 2:11a: "you are outsiders and strangers in this world." Sometimes that looks like a tree standing strong all alone. I used to struggle with this idea of not fitting in or belonging at parties or with friends when I was younger. I would come home and always feel 'different'; not better, just 'different' when I didn't engage in certain activities that everyone else was doing or talk the way everyone else was talking. I sometimes even felt left out. It was a lonely feeling growing up, I could have interrupted it as unpopular, but I began to understand who I was in Christ. I grabbed hold of the words in the Bible that told me I was a daughter of God, a child of the Most High King; that I was set apart, chosen, called. This world is not my home; I'm only here as an Ambassador, standing simple and plain and strong trying my best to hear His voice and do what He's calling me to do.

So; alone, simple, plain, strong, standing - it could be a season, a great place for God to work on precision- the very little things that can use a little bit of tweaking that will be the ripple into something HUGE! Don't feel alone, don't feel left out, know that you are right where God wants you to be and He is right there with you.

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08 ott 2018

Jessica, my name is Gary Stutzman! I am in Les Porter's hierarchy and I first heard you speak when you and Ian were at the River Church! You had become RVP's and were building your business! I was a band director for 45 years and retired! Very soon after that, Primerica was introduced to my wife Debbie and I! We appreciate the leadership you and Ian provide to the whole company and I have personally attended your Tuesday evening meetings and they serve as a real inspiration and really "show the way"! I look forward to following you and we'll see you at the top!

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