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Writer's picturejessicaprukner


Today if you ask someone "how's life?", most people will answer "busy!" We live in a time where 24 hours never seem to be enough. We fill every moment with activity. Most people never enjoy stillness or quiet. Sadly, most families never sit down for a meal together anymore. Our phones keep us connected to people around the world at all times of the day and if we happen to set our phones down our wonderful watch will keep us engaged with all that we could be missing while running to the bathroom or swimming in the lake. There is no escape to the constant pressure to be engaged 24/7. Thanks to electricity there is no need to shut down and go to bed; we can continue on in our social worlds to the point of our own destruction.

I was one of these people. I was always busy, never sitting, never stopping, never resting....there was no time! The next thing had to be done. When I was a child I remember that if my dad ever found me sitting down he would give me a chore to do. Resting wasn't an option at my house. In order to avoid more chores, I learned to become a specialist in looking or being busy. The idea of sitting on the couch just didn't exist in my mind until a few years ago. (people actually sit on their couches after walking on their vacuum tracks?! lol)

My mind is always thinking, planning, multitasking and it was always into the next week or even month of planning. Parties, events, school schedules, books I would read, travel places I would go, meals I would make; you name it, I planned it. Now, in all fairness this 'gift' has worked to my advantage in many ways. There is nothing wrong with being a planner and well prepared; the problem was I wasn't enjoying the present moments I had worked so hard to plan and prepare for. My level of stress was always high, I couldn't understand why I wasn't happy. My life was great; wonderful even but I just couldn't get myself to stop and enjoy it.

A good friend of mine gave me this sign for my birthday last year and it couldn't have been more on point.

I was having to learn a hard lesson that "life didn't have to be PERFECT to be wonderful." This sign still sits in my kitchen where I can see it everyday and reminds me to enjoy the little things, to no worry if all the details aren't planned and prepared just right. This sign has changed my life. Sometimes it's the little things that make a huge impact and for me realizing this truth was one of them.

I have learned to live in the present; to not stress the details and small stuff that may or may not get done. To enjoy my 3 kids and because they are growing faster than I imagined it could happen. To take in the beauty of everyday and all that comes with it both good and sometimes bad.

My 36th birthday was last week and we celebrated by taking a boat out on the Gulf of Mexico for the day. Phones off, watches away; just friends and family. This is one of my favorite photos because it resembles what I have learned to do over the past 2 years - be present, enjoy life, embrace those you love around you.

I encourage you to try and take a social media break, cut back on your busyness, slow down your days and enjoy the present instead of worrying so much about planning the future. The Bible says in Matthew 6:34a: "do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself."

Chose PRESENT and it will turn out to be just that; one of the greatest presents of all.

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Oct 08, 2018

This is exactly what I needed to read! I've been working on this for a while now and this was a fabulous reminder! Love ya! Thank you!


Oct 08, 2018

Love this!! Im still working on this too 🙃 Have you read the book “Present over Perfect”?

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