The other day my son came to me concerned about his vision. He went into great detail about how things become blurry and hazy sometimes; and I could see he was very concerned about the well being of his eyes. As a baby, Zac had to wear little baby glasses that looked like goggles with a strap around his head at the age of 6 months old because he had a lazy eye. (he was so cute!) Thankfully it corrected itself over time with prayer and he has had no issues in years. Since it had been some time, I gave in to his request to take him to get an eye exam although deep down I have seen his eyes do some pretty incredible aiming without any issues. Once we got there you could tell he was excited to pick out glasses and see which ones would look best on him to fix his eye issue before his exam even happened. The doctor called him and he came back out 20 mins later with a very serious look - he had seen his eyeball and the amazing details on the computer and it had blown his mind. The doctor smiled at me and said; "Zac has 20/20 vision. He could possibly, maybe use reading glasses but they aren't needed."
Exactly what I thought; this kid has eagle eyes! I looked back at Zac and he was very concerned. Whatever little issue of blurriness he was trying to explain seriously concerned him and he stated his case for at least 10 minutes of why he needed these glasses. I bought him "reading only" glasses.
Today, I was thinking back to him needing those glasses. Whatever issue Zac had was clearly very LITTLE, but to him it was impacting his life enough to state his case for glasses.
The little things...that's what makes a huge difference in our lives. The little things that nobody but you see is what directs your life.
About 4 years ago, I decided to make some serious changes in my everyday happenings. I wasn't happy with my current situation, how I was feeling and what I was accomplishing. I was raising 3 little babies and I felt like I was just surviving the day when bedtime arrived. I'm not a person who embraces change but I knew I had to change something. I decided to start with getting in shape. I hired a personal trainer and committed a lot of money which helped my commitment to show up for the sessions. I started with a little goal of losing 20 lbs and getting in shape. That 20 lbs didn't disappear overnight and I didn't wake up looking like I do today after just two weeks time. It took baby steps of little change. I had to set my alarm earlier, I had to change my eating habits, I had to log my food, I had to walk in the morning, I had to workout. All these little steps of change gave me the fit and healthy body I have today. Was it easy? Nope. Were the little changes worth the big outcome? You better believe it.
Once I started the trigger habit of healthy eating and exercising I decided to start working on my mind. My body may had been strong but my mind was still a mush at the end of the day. How did I do that? I deleted all of my DVR shows, kept the tv turned off and started reading books and listening to audios. Slowly overtime this little habit of feeding my mind turned my stinking thinking into leadership thinking.
The little things. I have made many little adjustments in my life which would cause the me of 4 years ago to not recognize the me of today. None of them major or life changing but just little things here and there that no one really sees.
The little changes cost me...time, effort, sweat, energy, commitment, change. They had a high price, a price I'm thankful I paid to become better; to live the life I have today. People make me laugh when they walk up to me and always comment on my fitness abilities. They always say, "I wish I had your muscles, or your arms..." In my mind I always think, be careful what you wish for because you don't know the hours, days, sweat and pain I put into getting what I have today.