Today Pruk Kids took on a service project. Their favorite neighbor needed some assistance with the weeds that were taking over the pool area that the kids enjoyed swimming in all summer. Of course they were super excited to help; for about 30 minutes that is. Pruk Kids don't tend to have to do a lot of physical labor so weeding, raking, and clipping wasn't on the top of their favorite list. Three hours later, I went to see how they were doing and although they had some complaints with sore backs and poked hands, they were happy to have helped and worked together as a team to help their neighbor. They were also very pleased with the end results of their hard work.
Serving is not easy.Jesus showed us a great example of servanthood in the Bible when he got down and washed the dirty, dusty disciples' feet. (John 13)
Serving is messy.Sometimes it hurts and there is pain involved. Loving people is messy sometimes too. There are no perfect people which leads to hurt people hurting people. Even though truth is reality, just as the outside chores today were somewhat painful; the reward is always so worth it.
Seeing the end results of your service, of your love and your hard work is the best part. Seeing the project done or the person changed, blessed or transformed is worth the mess in the process of serving. Sometimes we don't get to see the rewarding end results, sometimes we do. Know that even though we may not always see the results of our serving that it is always a seed planted.
Don't be afraid to serve; to get down in the mess and get dirty and feel some pain. Jesus did it; why not try it and see the results that will come out of it. You may have a sore back for a bit but you will have an even bigger smile on your face from the satisfaction of a job well done.
You are amazing, these are beautifully written. Thank you for always being so transparent. We are thankful to call you friend. You are an awesome Christian leader!
Go Go Go pretty lady!
Love, Your Tennessee Friends!